Welcome to Acting Quotes. Here you will find acting quotations and famous quotes about acting.
Acting Quotes - Acting Quotations
All great art comes from a sense of outrage. ~Glenn Close
I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. ~Al Pacino
I have actual acting scars. ~Benedict Cumberbatch
An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words. ~Sanford Meisner
An actor has to burn inside with an outer ease. ~Michael Chekhov
Death is just the last scene of the last act. ~Joyce Carol Oates
Find in yourself those human things which are universal. ~Sanford Meisner
Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances. ~Sanford Meisner
Acting is standing up naked and turning around very slowly. ~Rosalind Russell
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. ~William Shakespeare
Acting Quotes - Acting Quotations
Stop explaining yourself. Shut up and act! ~Craig MacDonald
Use what you know. Don't worry about what you don't know. ~Michael Shurtleff
Acting is a question of absorbing other people's personalities and adding some of your own experience. ~Paul Newman
Creating relationship is the heart of acting. It is basic. It is essential. ~Michael Shurtleff
Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there. ~Meryl Streep
I have only one rule in acting--trust the director, and give him heart and soul. ~Ava Gardner
Acting should be bigger than life. Scripts should be bigger than life. It should all be bigger than life. ~Bette Davis
I know very little about acting. I’m just an incredibly gifted faker. ~Robert Downey Jr.
Conflict is what creates drama. The more conflict actors find, the more interesting the performance. ~Michael Shurtleff
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams
Acting Quotes - Acting Quotations
For most actors, success is achieved through study, struggle, preparation, infinite trial and error, training, discipline, experience and work! ~Robert Cohen
Human beings will begin to recover the moment we take art as seriously as physics, chemistry or money. ~Ernst Levy
The more personal, the more universal. ~Gary Ballinger
Only a great actor finds the difficulties of the actor's art infinite. ~Ellen Terry
That's what makes acting so attractive. You get to break all your own rules. ~Gerardine Clark
The theater is a weapon, and it is the people who should wield it. ~Augusto Boal
The best acting is instinctive. It's not intellectual, it's not mechanical, it's instinctive. ~Craig MacDonald
If you really do want to be an actor who can satisfy himself and his audience, you need to be vulnerable. ~Jack Lemmon
One of the most important things I've learned about acting is that you can't separate how you live your life and how you practice your art. ~Larry Moss
I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being. ~Oscar Wilde
Acting Quotes - Acting Quotations
Without wonder and insight, acting is just a business. With it, it becomes creation. ~Bette Davis
One way we can enliven the imagination is to push it toward the illogical. We're not scientists. We don't always have to make the logical, reasonable leap. ~Stella Adler
We don't live for realities, but for the fantasies, the dreams of what might be. If we lived for reality, we'd be dead, every last one of us. Only dreams keep us going...When you are acting, don't settle for anything less than the biggest dream for your character's future. ~Michael Shurtleff
With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying. ~Johnny Depp
That's what our work can do: we remind people that things can change, that wounds can heal, that people can be forgiven, and that closed hearts can open again. ~Larry Moss
The inner life of the [imagination], and not the personal and tiny experiential resources of the actor, should be elaborated on the stage and shown to the audience. This life is rich and revealing for the audience as well as for the actor himself. ~Michael Chekhov
Theatre, in which actors take on changing roles, has among its many functions the examination of identity. For the individual, theatre is a kind of identity laboratory in which social roles can be examined vicariously. ~Richard Hornby
Acting represents all that human beings experience, and if you want it to be 'nice,' you will never be a serious communicator of the human experience. ~Larry Moss
An actor is totally vulnerable. His total personality is exposed to critical judgment - his intellect, his bearing, his diction, his whole appearance. ~ Alec Guinness
Work for the actor lies essentially in two areas: the ability to consistently create reality and the ability to express that reality. ~Lee Strasberg
The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves. ~Carl Jung
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